Track your online orders by tracking number

Estonia Post Tracking

Omniva (Eesti Post) is a national logistic and postal company that deals with local and international packages. They work with individual and corporate customers. National postal service is a part of «Omniva» corporate group as a main company. «Omniva» is major transport company in online market of Baltic countries. In Estonia Eesti Post name is mostly used, on international scale - «Omniva». The postal service company was created on 13 November 1918 and now contains more than 300 post offices all over Estonia. Since 2014 as an international company it has been using the name «Omniva».
You can use this company’s services when you order not only from Estonia. You can come across this shipping method on Chinese websites. Delivery time is considered quite fast by most customers - around 10-45 days on average. The most popular destinations are Baltic countries, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan.
We track all packages sent via Eesti Post. You add tracking number only once and then receive all tracking details automatically the way you prefer.
Estonia Post
Official website:
We can track packages sent by this delivery services: